Tuesday, October 5, 2010

From Twitter 10-04-2010

  • 13:04:19: Ans 7 points ; @bongopondit : 3, @abhiandnow :2, @nayakgirin : 1 and Bonus points 2 to @nayakgirin
  • 13:05:40: Q9. Identify and name the use. http://bit.ly/dc2yXA
  • 13:06:17: Do not give me names of vegetables in the pan, there's a term for what you see in the picture. Propah culinary term, please.
  • 13:07:05: Image was private earlier, please check now.
  • 13:09:12: No correct answers yet- HINT: it a process involving sauteeing of specific vegetables as a prep for certain dishes.
  • 13:13:08: Ans.8:Mirepoix (pronounced meer-PWAH) is a mixture of roughly cut carrots, celery, onions sauteed-used as base for stock/soup/sauce etc
  • 13:14:31: Points for Ans8 - @anoosrini : 3, @gkjohn : 2, @abhiandnow :1 - Good job Anoo! Court Bouillon is Mirepoix plus much more.
  • 13:16:09: @gkjohn I considered your second answer - no reason to crib :)
  • 13:17:27: Now some fun connect koschans. Thanks to @mihirfadnavis for helping me picturise the following two Qs.
  • 13:18:07: Q9. Connect. http://bit.ly/aD3nPG
  • 13:19:54: Hint: Not an Indian dish, think global
  • 13:21:39: Hint: try joining the words from the pics to form a word
  • 13:23:22: 3 brilliant answers - you guys rock!!
  • 13:24:53: Ans9: Skordalia, a Greek dip made from garlic, nuts, potatoes served with fried fish or vegetables.
  • 13:25:08: Points for Ans.9 - @unfairandlovely : 3 , @duffilled : 2 , @maxdavindi : 1
  • 13:27:57: Both @maxdavinci and @abhiandnow leading with 6 points each at this point. 5-6 questions to go, depending on time.
  • 13:29:08: Q10. Find the common link - http://bit.ly/bRXb1F
  • 13:30:29: Don't let my words mislead you - it is just another Connect Question - tried to be more specific, that's all.
  • 13:31:57: Hint: The lower left image is a bottle of Revive Starch for clothes
  • 13:33:18: QM is feeling sleepy - come up with answers - quick :) I'm being so liberal with hints.
  • 13:34:01: Ok one genius out there has given the right answer. I'll wait for 1 minute more.
  • 13:36:08: Ans.10 Potato {Alan Alda (MASH)ed potatoes, Stoli-Vodka made from potatoes, Revive Starch-Starchy veg, Scallops – Scalloped potatoes}
  • 13:36:59: Ans 10 Brilliantly cracked by @pranavbakliwal : 3, @duffilled : 2 and @imsabbah : 1
  • 13:39:10: Glad you liked this question. Now some easier ones.
  • 13:39:31: Q11. Identify the process. http://bit.ly/cIItdV
  • 13:43:07: A.11- Chiffonade @maxdavinci - 3, @duffilled - 2, @pranavbakliwal - 1
  • 13:44:52: Q12. Tell me what's cooking - Connect http://bit.ly/blxhwP
  • 13:51:48: The answer to Q12 that i was looking for was KALUA PIG / PORK. Many answered Luau which is what the feast is called, not the DISH.
  • 13:53:23: Best answers by @ashumittal - 3 , @bongopondit - 2, @duffilled - 1
  • 13:55:33: A12: Kalua Pig, A Hawaiian (chappal) cooking technique where pig is barbequed in an underground pit.
  • 13:58:13: Sorry correction @shwetakapur : 3 , @ashumittal : 2 and @bongopandit : 1 - @maxdavinci-your answer is not seen here
  • 13:59:54: Q13. Identify this famous food personality. http://bit.ly/9ERHsj
  • 14:00:29: Please stop cribbing people, if I do not see your answer on this TL, I cannot give you marks.
  • 14:02:12: Fine if that's what you all want and are cribbing about then @maxdavinci - 3, @shwetakapur - 2 and @ashumittal - 1 - this is FINAL.
  • 14:05:24: Yeah I'm chilled. Quiz is on for over 2 hours now. Cant keep changing marksheet :) RT @ShwetaKapur @kweezzz dude not cribbing. chill out.
  • 14:06:23: No correct answers. Is no one from Australia taking this #kweezzz?
  • 14:07:48: Google can't help you on this one - so just one correct answer so far. Where are my #masterchef Australia friends?
  • 14:09:30: Closing this. Donna Hay – Author of over a dozen cookbooks, foodstylist and magazine editor, Australia.
  • 14:09:39: Cracked by @aaroo4 : 3 , @solitalks : 2 @maxdavinci : 1
  • 14:11:41: q14. Identify the painter and the painting http://bit.ly/9qjfMn
  • 14:16:31: A14 -Vincent Van Gogh, Still life with Grapes, Lemons, Pears, and Apples, 1887
  • 14:17:06: Points for a14 - @cerebralexercise : 3, @shriniwask - 2 , @duffilled - 1
  • 14:17:31: Last question: Connect - http://bit.ly/aEtvIL
  • 14:19:09: That's me @saffrontrail your QM tonight, sitting up way past her bedtime to #kweezzz you - hope you had a nice time.
  • 14:19:50: You also need to thank my toddler for not waking up in the middle of his sleep and making me abandon this #kweezzz :D
  • 14:20:29: Hint for last Q - name this dessert - i want one word
  • 14:21:42: Everyone has abandoned the #kweezzz before the last koschan kya??
  • 14:22:37: Final hint after which I will call it close - a dessert where a scoop of icecream or gelato is served with espresso poured on it
  • 14:24:09: And now wait for me to serve you a spoon of this and then you taste it and then get it right!!
  • 14:25:15: Ending the #kweezzz with a sweet spoon of AFFOGATO- coffee-based Italian dessert. Means "drowned"
  • 14:26:48: Points @pranavbakliwal - 3, @duffilled - 2 and @sumeetkhanna - 1 (leaning tower-Italy, Espresso maker and Icecream/Gelato)
  • 14:30:35: Winners of the FoodKweezzz Edition 01 are @maxdavinci with 13, @duffilled with 9 and @pranavbakliwal with 8
  • 14:30:56: Detailed marksheet here - http://bit.ly/aVGLnA
  • 14:31:54: Thanks for the participation. It was fun. Any suggestions can be made to QM @saffrontrail. Signing off.
  • 15:42:47: So @maxdavinci, @duffilled & @pranavbakliwal lead the championship by pwning the Food quiz. Leaderboard: http://bit.ly/asby0N
  • 22:57:44: Good whatevr period o'the day based on ur relative position on earth WRT to the sun.This is the Astronomy&Space Brownies quiz by @krishashok
  • 22:58:27: It is about space, about things can space you out and occasionally about brownies
  • 23:00:42: I may keep score but then again in the vastness of the cosmos, do scores really matter?
  • 23:02:47: We will begin with something that most definitely is not a stander - Connect, and identify the invention http://bit.ly/9yn8Am
  • 23:06:22: Q1: Looks like it might not be a sitter after all. The plus sign is intended to divide the image into 2 clues, each for one word of the answ
  • 23:07:45: Q1:The first set of images(the Wow, the instrument & Jodie Foster) provide 1 word. The logo provides the second word. No right answers yet
  • 23:11:36: Alright! Q1 is "Contact Lens".WOW SETI signal, Lyre (Vega) & Jodie make "Contact" & Zeiss= "Lens". @chin512 -3, @tintin1107 -2, @vishal_c -1
  • 23:15:12: Q2: Explain the arrow funda. What does the arrow signify? Precise answers please http://bit.ly/8ZV00F
  • 23:18:48: @chin512 Sorry saar. It's late here and I need to sleep early to catch a morning flight back to India :|
  • 23:21:13: Answer to Q2: It's the planned transition from Hubble space telescope to James Webb. @abhishekupadhya -3, @i_r_squared -2, @rameshsrivats -1
  • 23:22:48: Q3: Connect http://bit.ly/difv8h
  • 23:23:59: RT @freakverse @kweezzz How to quit smoking (Explain the arrow funda)
  • 23:29:30: Answer to Q3: Krittika. The Pleaides is called Krittika & Karthikeya means "Son of Krittika" @tintin1107 -3 @i_r_squared -2 @techrsr -1
  • 23:31:33: RT @rameshsrivats @kweezzz If nobody got the answer you could have put up a Fail Vel.
  • 23:32:46: Q4 - Make the connections & what does this org chart represent? http://bit.ly/dhZ8zS
  • 23:35:39: Q4 is mildly tough. Dont forget the org chart
  • 23:39:06: Finally. I might treat myself to a brownie for asking an unanswered question on #kweezzz. One last clue: The 4 clues point to 4 people
  • 23:42:13: Alright. No 1 gets it. James "Tiberius" Kirk. "Bones" McCoy, "Vulcan Nerve Pinch" (from SGI IRIX) & Haggis="Scotty").Star Trek is the answer
  • 23:44:20: Q5: Much simpler. Visual Rebus for a 3 word phrase - http://bit.ly/clwwyZ
  • 23:47:21: And oh, there will be as many questions as there are planets in the solar system
  • 23:51:57: Clue for Q5: The constellation in the first image is Canis Major
  • 23:54:50: Answer to Q5: SIrius Cybernetics Corporation Only @krtgrphr gets it
  • 23:56:01: For those who did not get the Q5 funda, Sirius (star), Cybernetics (control systems) & logo for the documentary "The Corporation"
  • 23:57:06: Q6: Connect http://bit.ly/ab7BbP
  • 23:58:49: @krtgrphr That's not a Boeing 707

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