Thursday, October 21, 2010

From Twitter 10-20-2010

  • 11:42:34: Manny Calavera isn't a skull. He has a body.
  • 11:44:23: Correct - but too late. @ghantaguy and @unnamedentity. Too slow for Warm-up Q.
  • 11:45:31: @UnnamedEntity I'm double checking on twitter also
  • 11:45:53: Right - on to quiz proper. All set ?
  • 11:47:24: Q1 : These two games are significant in a similar way. How?
  • 11:48:06: Multiple guessees allowed. Points for first correct answer, by my timeline.
  • 11:49:50: Nothing so far. Will wait another five min - and maybe give clue.
  • 11:52:06: Okay - clue. It has something to due with gender stereotypes.
  • 11:52:23: People - Ms.Pac Man was not unauthorized.
  • 11:53:31: Right - answer coming up.
  • 11:54:28: 3D Tic-Tac-Toe (ATARI) - first game designed and programmed by a woman. Ms.Pac Man - first female protagonist. No points.
  • 11:55:48: Okay - hopefully easier from here on.
  • 11:57:30: Q2. - In what (non obvious) way is the 'science advisor' in Civilization 3 special / different from the other advisors?
  • 12:02:09: 'IQ of Carrot' Easter egg isn't the answer I'm looking for - but bonus 3 pts to @unnamedentity for that. Still waiting for it . . . .
  • 12:02:53: Awesome! 10 pts to @siddooba and 3 to @sumants 1 It's Sid Meier himself!
  • 12:05:19: Q3 - Who is this, and for what game was he created? Answer carefully, please.
  • 12:07:30: I need a precise and complete answer. Will give points for part correctness also.
  • 12:08:45: 2 minutes left for the complete answer
  • 12:11:34: Right! Thrall it is - but he was created for the never-released title, Warcraft Adventures. 5 pts to @unnamedentity and 5 to @rithvikgv
  • 12:12:11: Of course, Thrall also appears in Warcraft 3 and WoW, but that wasn't the question.
  • 12:13:38: @rithvikgv Yes - but it's easier once you know the name, and you had lots of time to google.
  • 12:14:17: Right - next.
  • 12:14:55: Q 4 "No word in English rhymes with orange." In which game is this info useful?
  • 12:17:21: Only one partially correct answer. Need a full, precise answer.
  • 12:18:17: Brilliance - 10 to @unnamedentity for 'Curse of Monkey Island. 3 pts to @binnyva for the answer 'monkey island'
  • 12:18:53: That's how Guybrush stumps the Van Helgen Trio in the singing-guitar-duel!
  • 12:20:42: Q5 : If you were in the Great Underground Empire, and saw this, , what should you be afraid of? [not a pic error]
  • 12:22:34: Speed kings! 10 pts to @vishal_c and 3 to @kazalreth. "Of being eaten by a Grue"
  • 12:22:58: Many others got that as well! Zork rules \m/
  • 12:23:25: The Grue was voted one of gaming's best monsters - and the scariest one that has never been seen!
  • 12:24:38: Okay - sitter coming up.
  • 12:25:22: Q6 - What do these two have in common ?
  • 12:32:47: Okay, I'm going to have to split 5 p each to @ashwines and @mod42 - they both (as story goes) got their names in similar ways.
  • 12:36:56: Mario was named because of his resemblance to Nintendo's landlord, and Oscar because he resembled an employee's uncle.
  • 12:41:24: Q7 : An early Sierra 'quest' adventure game featured a parody of an iconic movie character as an enemy. Name the game and character.
  • 12:41:38: Apologies for network issues
  • 12:45:48: Okay - will give points for partial answers - but I meant 'early' quest game.
  • 12:47:12: Okay, time to speed up and move on. 5 points to @kazarelth for Space Quest. Answer I expected was Terminator, Space Quest 3.
  • 12:47:20: Mild lame question that was.
  • 12:47:29: Three Qs to go
  • 12:48:44: Q8 - What is this game best known for ? :
  • 12:49:54: If no correct answers, then I wil make it googleable by giving name of game.
  • 12:50:33: Nobody?
  • 12:51:40: Utterly brilliant answer from @ashwines for 10 p. It's 'adventure', and it contained the first widely known software easter egg.
  • 12:52:44: Adventure had a secret room where the designer included his credit - something ATARI denied him. The first known Easter Egg in ANY software!
  • 12:53:08: Okay - super sitter coming up. Speeed based.
  • 12:53:35: What catchphrase connects these two famous gentlemen ?
  • 12:56:47: The one true answer is 'I'm selling these fine leather jackets'. 10 p to @unnamedentity
  • 12:58:09: But 5 to @kazerelth for 'Cup of Carpenter' - that's a one off. 'Fine Leather Jackets' appears in every MI game.
  • 12:59:05: @siddooba I didn't see your response to this Q.
  • 12:59:26: Right - final one is a mild toughie - but you never know. Two parts.
  • 13:01:33: q10 a. Identify the game by connecting : . b. What killer game feature it introduced? 15 for part a and 10 for b
  • 13:03:00: Anybody? Guesses? I will give clue after 2 min.
  • 13:03:47: @siddooba Nice try - you're on the right track, though.
  • 13:05:42: An amazing answer from @mod42 for a killer 25 points! Care to explain to others ?
  • 13:06:35: 15 p to @sumants for brilliant second answer.
  • 13:08:20: You guys are awesome! Shiny (developer), Kurt, Max and Hawkins (characters) - the game is MDK. First game to give us the sniper rifle!
  • 13:09:15: @lavsmohan It was ttypo - forgivable
  • 13:10:21: Also - five points consistency bonus to @kazarelth and @unnamedentity for answering max number of Qs right
  • 13:12:44: Well played to @siddooba - 10 , @vishal_c - 10 and @ashwines - 15
  • 13:13:23: Also, must mention @binnyva and @rithvikgv for getting on the scoreboard - that was a tough quiz.
  • 13:14:19: No beer for @sumants - but well played for 18.
  • 13:15:51: Our winners, @kazarelth is 2nd with 21 and tied in 1st place with 33 points are @unnamedentity and @mod42 ! Take a bow. Do collect prize !
  • 13:16:51: Winners - let @bigfatphoenix know if you're in Mumbai, and a beer on me shall be had.
  • 13:17:33: Right. Thanks for taking part folks - you guys are awesome. Will try and make it easier next time. @bigfatphoenix out.
  • 14:11:23: hi people (those who are still around) is @sandeip again with 5-6 super easy Qs (and hopefully contro-free) for a #NFP quiz.
  • 14:12:41: Q1.
  • 14:13:41: NotForPoints :D RT @UnnamedEntity
    NFP: Not for profit // Natural Family Planning
  • 14:14:41: too easy, as i said...i already have one answer and (i suspect) few participants...
  • 14:17:18: right you are...easily cracked...first three are @iamsabbah @ssdatar and @techrsr
  • 14:17:50: sorry about the easiness of the Qs...prepared in some 10-15 mins wonly :|
  • 14:18:30: Q2.
  • 14:19:50: oops...big booboo... @shwetakapoor got the last one first...apologies :)
  • 14:20:08: and well played @imsabbah :)
  • 14:21:02: i have got one partially correct answer... (oops@too vague) lemme give a hint to remove ambiguity then
  • 14:22:00: the accusation of plagiarism was made by the wife of the illustrator of the novel ( was written when novels were illustrated too)
  • 14:23:44: heh! i am answering that! @Gunmaster_G_9 got the author right. Dickens. The pickwick papers
  • 14:25:19: THIS Q might seem ambiguous... if you need clarity, will give hints
  • 14:26:52: awesome...not as ambiguous as it seems then...i have one answer
  • 14:27:35: and now three @siddev18 @pranavbakliwal @shwetakapoor
  • 14:27:47: oscar wilde it is
  • 14:28:28:
  • 14:29:18: oops @ShwetaKapur . My mistake again RT @ShwetaKapur @kweezzz
    abeyaar SPELLING #itsthebeer
  • 14:30:19: ok...i might have gotten a little ambiguous here. HINT: he did not name the lead character of his first novel.
  • 14:32:22: i still don't have what i was looking for. but them #ambiguousquestion may be...i was looking for Frederick Forsyth..and Faction
  • 14:32:44: I did say he was only a popularizer and not the originator of the genre
  • 14:33:11: anyways...last Q coming up
  • 14:33:39:
  • 14:34:22: and just as i was updating the last Q.. @scorpius69 sneaked in with the answer FF :)
  • 14:35:27: guys..whats with the Pamuk answers? didnt i say South American?
  • 14:36:30: nope. not borges.
  • 14:36:55: llhosa already won a nobel. plus he is still alive.
  • 14:38:10: @sumants sorry...i meant...he is tipped for a nobel prize...posthumously...wrong phrasing of sentence
  • 14:38:58: okk...closing the Q then
  • 14:39:35: the answer i was looking for was Benno von Roberto Bolano. Archimboldi appears in 2666 and The Savage Detectives
  • 14:40:03: no one gets it. please direct all brickbats to @sandeip i still have much to learn :)
  • 14:41:03: and to host further @kweezzz -es pliss to contact @sidvee @lavanyam @mihirfadnavis :)
  • 14:41:39: i will say good night now :) signing off
  • 16:33:29: RT @p1j: TriviaOfDay: #Kishore announced a film "Tabla Prasad Dhamakavaa" & he even penned a song 'Life is a Comedy' but it never took o ...
  • 16:35:58: RT @St_Hill: Who is the biggest Twitter star? The new metric named Twindex answers that -

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